Spring Growth, Not Stagnation aka Kapha Season

Spring Growth, Not Stagnation aka Kapha Season

If you've been following me for awhile you know that I often write about the seasons and about Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine and the sister science of yoga). Seasonal cycles are incredibly important to Ayurveda. Learning more about these seasonal rhythms and corresponding characteristics has helped me find so much more balance in times of change (both in life and in the seasons)!

Support for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)/ Seasonal Depression

Support for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)/ Seasonal Depression

It’s been good to rest, but sometimes the hibernation can turn into stagnation and despair (Seasonal Affective Disorder/SAD anyone?), especially with all the gray days. Can you relate? Here’s what has been helping me balance rest and turning inward with hope and the return of the light….

Yoga Therapy for Burnout Part 3: Yoga Therapy Treatment & Prevention

Yoga Therapy for Burnout Part 3: Yoga Therapy Treatment & Prevention

Utilizing the perspectives of yoga and Ayurveda, various tools can be used to address burnout and compassion fatigue. These tools can address not only the symptoms, but also some of the underlying causes. The tools are not one-size-fits-all but rather can be modified or used in various combinations depending on how burnout and compassion fatigue are manifesting in the individual.

Yoga Therapy for Burnout Part 2: Various Perspectives on Burnout

Yoga Therapy for Burnout Part 2: Various Perspectives on Burnout

American culture, with puritanical roots focused on austere values of hard work, as well as America’s focus on individualism and capitalism, often values burnout and does little to prevent it or treat it. “Pushing through”, long hours, doing it all yourself, are all valued in the American work ethic.

Yoga Therapy for Burnout: Part 1

Yoga Therapy for Burnout: Part 1

This post will explain what burnout and compassion/empathy fatigue area and common signs and symptoms.

How Mindfulness Can Help With Pain

How Mindfulness Can Help With Pain

You might look at this title and think, “Isn’t mindfulness being present with what is? If I focus on my pain, won’t it make my pain worse?”

How Yoga Can Help With Pain

How Yoga Can Help With Pain

You might click on this post looking for an asana suggestion- what pose can I do for my achy low back? How can I ease my knee pain? My migraine? My arthritis? And the answer is....